Redundancy Support
Free tailored staff redundancy support


We offer a range of redundancy support services to help both you and your staff during this difficult time, ensuring a smooth transition and a confident move to the next career step.

Free Services

Our services include fast-track job placement, a dedicated helpline for advice and guidance, on-site workshops covering teaching, learning, observation preparation, CV writing, and interview advice.

Tailored to You

Whether you are planning or considering redundancies, we’re here to help make the process as smooth as possible. Contact us to find out how we can assist you.

Are you considering or making redundancies?

Unfortunately, redundancies are something that some organisations have had to consider. If you’re in this position, rest assured that you’re not alone. We offer a range of redundancy support services to help you and your staff through this difficult time.

It’s a hard decision for any employer to make, but it can be even harder for the staff affected. It’s important that as an employer you’re able to support your exiting staff through the process and give them confidence for their next career move. If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry – we can help.

Free redundancy support service

We’re pleased to offer a free of charge service to all of our clients who have to make these tough choices. You can tailor the level of support and guidance you want to offer, whether it’s building your own bespoke package or simply working with us to ensure your staff are ready to take on their next challenge once the consultation period is over.

Some of the services we deliver include:

    • Fast track to work support
    • Advice and guidance helpline dedicated to your staff
    • On-site workshops including: teaching and learning; observation preparation; new opportunities
    • CV writing and interview advice


Whether you have planned redundancies, or are considering making them, we want to make things smoother. Get in touch to see how we can help.

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