Education Candidates
Find the best talent


We know that all of our clients have different needs, which is why we’ll take the time to get to know you, so we can find the right candidates for your roles.


Recruitment is fraught with risk, but we won’t cut corners. In an industry where quality and compliance is a must, our rigorous processes and professionalism mean you can rely on us to deliver.


We build strong relationships with all of our clients and candidates – that’s how we’ll fill your vacancy with the right person. You’ll be sure to get the human element with us!

Fill your rolls quickly

FE colleges offer education and training to young people and adults through A Levels, apprenticeships, vocational qualifications, traineeships, and entry-level training, as well as higher education qualifications like undergraduate, postgraduate, and foundation degrees.

With 209 colleges in England, we collaborate closely with many, providing recruitment support for both staff and candidates seeking opportunities in these institutions. A variety of temporary and permanent roles are available, including lecturers, teachers, tutors, learning support, internal quality assurance, trainers, technicians, and positions in business support and operations such as marketing, HR, and IT.

A Team of Innovators

We understand that time is of the essence when you need to recruit, as you must continue delivering outstanding education and training without interruption. Our streamlined recruitment processes are designed to be efficient and effective, ensuring you find the right candidates swiftly.

This allows your institution to maintain its high standards and achieve its educational objectives without delay.

We’re Vibrant, Energetic, and Passionate

We understand that compliance and vetting processes can be complex in the education sector. That’s why we invested in developing our industry-leading eSafeguarding software, enabling us to process DBS checks for both our candidates and third-party clients in as little as 24 hours. This ensures that your recruitment needs are met swiftly and securely, allowing you to focus on delivering quality education.

Your Path to Education Recruitment Excellence

We unlock a world of opportunities and empower education professionals to thrive in their careers.