Why is the gender gap still and issue in recruitment? | The Protocol Group

While the UK has made significant progress in reducing the gender gap in the workplace, there are still areas where gender bias needs to be addressed.  The most recent report from the World Economic Forum (WEF), published in 2023, found that the UK ranked 15th out of 146 countries on gender parity, and that at […]

Career Development Month: Empowering Individuals to Achieve Their Career Goals

November is not just another month on the calendar; it’s Career Development Month, a time to focus on the steps individuals can take to enhance their professional paths.  As we celebrate this month, it’s essential to recognise that career development is not just about climbing the corporate ladder—it’s about personal growth, skill enhancement, and aligning […]

The Benefits of Building an Inclusive Workforce

There are many advantages for both employees and organisations when they join together to make an inclusive workforce. Employees who feel a sense of belonging and psychological safety become more engaged and motivated. This can lead to higher productivity and a willingness to go above and beyond to achieve both personal and organisational goals. A […]

How Can Employers Adapt Recruitment Strategies for a Changing Landscape?

Our everyday working lives have changed drastically since the pandemic, and now, the recruitment landscape looks different, too. Traditional hiring methods, like job postings and job fairs, are becoming outdated, and employers must turn to new and improved methods for engaging potential candidates effectively. With the rise of digital platforms, the increasing importance of company […]

Are you interested in pursuing a career within prison education?

With a new report published by the Social Market Foundation highlighting the crucial role that education programmes play in rehabilitating offenders, this could be a rewarding new position for the right candidate. To help you on your journey, we’ve highlighted the important factors you should consider when looking into this role to ensure you’re fully […]

CV Myths – Busted!

There’s a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to CVs – luckily we’re here to expel the myths! Here at Protocol we spend a lot of time looking at CVs – so we think we know what makes a good one! The Internet is a fantastic source of help and advice but its […]

The Vital Role of Diversity and Inclusion in Recruitment

Three women holding a meeting in an office

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in recruitment practices is essential in generating long-term success for businesses, today more than ever. Recent research has shown that focusing on Diversity and Inclusion in talent acquisition is particularly beneficial, with two thirds of UK workers stating that it is an important factor when looking for a job. There is […]

Is Your College Prepared for Exam Season? The Crucial Role of Exam Invigilators

As exam season approaches, you may be considering how your college or education institution will be facing any such challenges that come with ensuring smooth and fair examinations for your students. Ensuring that exam procedures are followed meticulously and that students have the best possible environment to work in lies heavily with the duties of […]

The Benefits of a Partnership Approach to Recruitment

Looking for the perfect job and finding the perfect candidate can prove to be a difficult task, requiring plenty of time, motivation, and resources, which is where a recruitment partner steps in. Having the support and expertise of a team of professionals can not only speed the process along, but also ensure a much higher […]

Why Choose an Agency – Finding Hidden Talent

Finding the perfect new hire can be difficult – especially if they’re hidden… Do you ever find yourself approaching some roles with a sense of despair – its in a hard to fill area, there’s fierce competition in the sector and location, or you simply don’t have the resource or sufficient reach to find the […]