
Spotlight On: Gabby Brydges 

In our series of ‘Spotlight On’, we’re excited to introduce to you the vibrant personality and invaluable team member, Gabby Brydges.  

The talent acquisition executive, Gabby, is a vital part of the team here at The Protocol Group, and her first seven months with us has been nothing short of impressive. Her commitment and dedication to the business is something we are very proud to witness every day. 

At The Protocol Group, a key part of what makes our brand so unique is the people behind it driving it to success and injecting their own individuality into the work. In this series, we like to interview different members of the team to find out more about them in order to celebrate what makes them incomparable.  

Here, we delve into the personal and professional elements of Gabby’s life to shed light on the person behind the impressive work at The Protocol Group…

1. Pet mum

Gabby is a proud mum to two adorable Frenchies called Luna and Lola. She enjoys sharing the endless mysterious ‘tails’ of what the cheeky pups get up to on a daily basis with the office.  

2. A recruitment extraordinaire

With a commendable five years of experience in recruitment, Gabby is the go-to person for identifying and nurturing talent. Her commitment to the team is always noticeable and her knowledge and understanding of the sector is truly inspiring. 

3. Unforgettable work memories

For Gabby, one of her favourite memories since working at The Protocol Group has been a team-building summer party, where she could bond with her colleagues and in the process created some unforgettable memories to truly represent her time with The Protocol Group so far.  

4. From Crawley to Nottingham

Gabby is originally from Crawley, but decided to make the move to Nottingham several years ago and cross that southern to northern divide. Now, Gabby is happy to call Nottingham her home – especially because that means she’s been able to become a member of The Protocol Group family.  

5. What’s to come in 2024…

Gabby is most excited about seeing how much The Protocol Group will grow in 2024. Considering 2023 was such a monumental year for the success of the company, further pushing the brand to even greater heights will be a key part of the upcoming year. 

6. Random fact

Fun fact! Gabby’s claim to fame lies with her unexpected meet and greet with non-other than Orlando Bloom when in a small bar in Prague – let’s hope she invites him as her plus one to next year’s Christmas party! 

You can find out about more of our wonderful team here at The Protocol Group in our series of ‘Spotlight On’, exploring more about what makes our team unique across our brands, Bookmark and eSafeguarding.

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